My sister's wedding parcels

My sister wedding was held in 12 February 2012, it was awesome wedding. I didn't thinking that her wedding become so great as that. Our family both my father and my mother family so long time not have special wedding celebration, my sister wedding like something have been waiting. I love my sister and I was the one who design her parcels. In our tradition the bridegroom giving parcels to the bride and my sister husband gave money and asked my sister to choose and buy her parcels. My sister choose the stuff that she like but she don't know how to decorate it. Then I did it.
And here are:
Sorry I only took one picture, I think my sister took every picture of these parcels. The parcels are Muslim pray cloths, underwear, sleeping dress, makeups, bath tools, kebaya, cloths, bag and sandals. The purple one is place for rings, it is hand made too. All these parcels in Indonesia call as hantaran pengantin or hantaran pernikahan, in Javanese call as seserahan.
I like to did that. And was happy can give something to my sister. I didn't give anything to her, just those I can do. Congrats for my sister, hope you will be lasting till die separated between you and your husband.

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