The picture Beside is the "Home of Cavity" looks from the outside at night. The house was like a hole that glowed in the darkness of night, very cool.
Beside is the "Home of Cavity" look of the porch, you can see that this house has a incredible view out. And when the night, it would be nice to be able to see the stars together on this front page.
Then below is a row of pictures of interior design and furnishings are very compatible with the house design
1. Vestibule
I really liked the large windows that provide beautiful views out. And this house have it.
2. Bedroom
The walls of this house is not painted or is deliberately not been painted, but the bed in placed in the closet reminds me of the Doraemon cartoon. Really funny and interesting..
3. Bathroom
You know, what's interesting about this bathroom? Once again the window, but this window is not big, but the window beside the tub can make you feel bathing in the wild and make you feel at home for long for a shower. The bathroom is narrow, but with a glass wall so the room will feel more spacious.
4. The dining room
I call dining room, but it seems like this space is a multifunctional space, this room also gives a good view out by the large windows. Long wooden tables fill the room was very fitting.
5. Kitchen
The kitchen is quite simple, suitable for people who love minimalist home.
In my opinion, is outside the design house can, but when I saw this house is suitable is made in a mountainous area in addition to the house like a cave but also because right in the front yard of this house there are no trees, so that when it was built in the lowlands, during the day will feels very hot when looking out of the house. But the id of this house is really two thumbs up.
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