Interior design tsunami museum in Aceh, will bring us remembered the events of the tsunami in Aceh in the year 2004. Design interior the most to amaze me that a chimney is called "The Light of God". The light of God, a well-shaped space that shined the light cylinder and over a hole with Arabic inscription "God" and the well wall cylinder filled with names of victims. Very contain religious values is a reflection of Hablumminallah (the concept of human relationships and God).
Narrow and dark alley ambiance of the tsunami. The hall can be seen in the picture beside, besides looking at the picture and ghostly a narrow alley. Through the tunnel we can see the waterfall on the left and right who issued a thundering sound of water.
In this Aceh tsunami museum roof interior design also reminds us that many countries who helped and contributed both funds and manpower in the event of disaster. Expressed gratitude to the installation of flag states which contribute in the tsunami disaster that time.
Results references from several sources that I get from the internet, there is a rating of visitors that make me tingle. A visitor said, "the museum's contents tsunami just water alone." It's funny, but I saw this building is different, for me Aceh tsunami museum has a display full of charm with an interior that explores a tunnel of sorrow that leads visitors into a terrible reflection on the calamity suffered by the people of Aceh as well as resignation and recognition of the strength and power of God in overcome anything.
Another design interior of museum tsunami
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